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Dental Aesthetics

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Dental Aesthetics

Problems in the general appearance of the teeth are the most important factor affecting the social life of people. Teeth that are pleasing to the eye and aligned in harmony when smiling add a positive effect to people's lives, and this appearance is one of the most effective signs of personal care. A pleasant smile significantly increases one's communication and self-confidence, thereby increasing the success and happiness of one's business and private life.


The existing crookedness in the alignment of the teeth, large gaps between the teeth or darkened teeth negatively affect your smile. Besides these; Veneers, darkened fillings and gingival problems, which have previously been made in bad harmony and color, also negatively affect both your oral and dental health and your aesthetic appearance.




White teeth alone are not enough to achieve a beautiful smile. In addition to whiteness, the healthy appearance of the gums and the proportion of the teeth are also very important. With Hollywood Smile, it is aimed to achieve a perfect smile by ensuring the harmony of gums, teeth and lips.
With the Hollywood smile design, a healthy and white smile is aimed as a result of correcting the existing tooth structure of the person with porcelain veneer, eliminating the incompatibility between the gums and teeth with gingival aesthetic applications.


In this method, which has all the desired features such as aesthetic expectation, providing naturalness and functional resistance, white zirconium is used as a substrate instead of metal. It is important for us that porcelain with zirconium is natural enough to be preferred on the front teeth and strong enough to be used on the back teeth. Zirconium, which is the infrastructure material closest to the natural appearance, allows light permeability due to the absence of a metal substance in its infrastructure. This situation does not create a gray image and the closest appearance to natural teeth is obtained with zirconium treatment.